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plenty of possibilities
Welcomes You

Explore The Possibilities

Explore the Possibilities
The mission of Plenty of Possibilities Personal Development and Educational Consulting is to show YOU that there are many opportunities at your fingertips and you can have them!  
Are you setting out on new path in life? Trying to achieve your goals?
Searching for what skills or education you need to get to where you want to go?
Through individual and group coaching sessions our goal is to get you from where you are to where YOU want to be!

Home: Welcome

My Story

My Story
Hi, I'm Lisa! 

When I started college, I was quiet and shy; I thought I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.  I chose a major and jumped in with two feet.  Quickly I learned that I was wrong, and I didn't want to be a music therapist or a music teacher after all.  Two of my mentors told me, "do what you are passionate about," and I was passionate about helping people.  I also loved my job as a Resident Assistant and working in Student Activities at my college! That is when I started my journey that led me to a career in High Education.  After completing my masters' degree, I became a college admissions counselor, and then I went into student life.  This moment was when I discovered my real passion was not doing the work in my job description but helping people navigate through their journey, develop into the people they were meant to be and find their passion.  
After years of working in student activities and then becoming a Dean of Student Life, I became a mom. I made the tough decision to stay home with my little girl.  I continued my work in the college world as a Psychology and first-year seminar professor but felt like I was missing something.
I missed the joy of helping people navigate their journey brought to me. I want to help others grow and find their path in life.  
Through my work as a coach, I offer support to those striving to reach their goals!  I offer assistance on getting you from where you are to where you want to be!
Outside of coaching, I'm a mom, a wife and an avid runner. I am spending time helping my daughter grow into her best self.  My family and my faith are two of the most important things to me.  You can find us, as a family, exploring the woods on hikes, at the library on rainy days and spending time growing in faith with our church community. 
I look forward to getting to know you and how I can help you discover all the possibilities life has out there for you!

~Lisa Saverese-Burkitt, M.Ed, MA 

“Happiness, not in another place but this place, not for another hour but this hour”

Walt Whitman

Desert Road

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