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Group Trainings and Workshops

All sessions are customizable to your needs!

Contact us to work together to make something that works for you! 

Finding YOUR Leader Within

In this session participants will learn the recipe it takes to lead themselves to success!

Reaching for the Stars...and Catching them!

In this session participants will learn how to set goals and develop a roadmap to accomplish them!

Wake up and SHINE!

In this workshop we will dig deep to figure out what motivates each participate.

AND how to wake up and SHINE!

Let your voice be heard!...and hear what others are saying too!

We all communicate differently. This session will teach participates to speak so others hear them and hear what others are really saying to them.

College Planning 

Searching for the right college? Applying for schools? Trying to figure out how to pay for it? This session touches on all the steps for college planning and preparation.

Which way is UP?

We all have times that we are so stressed we don't know which way is up! This session focuses in on different tools and skills to manage stress.

Life takes a Tribe!

It's ok, none of us can do everything on our own. During our time together we will discuss how to build our tribe of health interdependent relationships.

Maxwell Method of DISC

The Maxwell Method of DISC Report aims to help individuals identify their personal strengths and capitalize on their talents to make them more effective individuals. All participants will complete a DISC assessment and participate in one-on-one or group DISC training.

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