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3 Tips for Achieving Your Goals

Did you set goals for this year? How’s it going? Did you already forget them? Or do you look at the now and think, how am I going to get there? Here are three tips to achieving your goals!

1. Write down your goals! You are much more likely to achieve a goal you have written down. Not to mention, remember it even exists!

2. Build a timeline to get to your goal. Just writing down a goal isn’t going to get you to do it. Think about the steps you need to take between today and when that goal will be achieved! Are there resources you need? Do you need to learn a new skill? Do you need to human resources?

3. Find someone to hold you accountable! A study done at Dominican University of California by Dr. Gail Matthews, found that participates were more than 70% likely to report progress toward successful goal achievement when they were sending weekly updates to a friend. Find a friend or a group of likeminded people to report to each week!

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