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3 ways Accountability Partners can help you SMASH your GOALS!

Updated: Feb 27, 2020

1. You are forced to think about your goals!

When you set a schedule to check-in with your accountability partners it makes you evaluate how you are doing and your progress! When you are the only one that knows your goals it’s easy to put them on the back burner and let other things take precedence. Life happens and it’s easy to make other things a priority. But if you have to tell someone else what’s going on with your goals, you are more likely to do something about them before your next check in!

2. Give you another set of eyes when you are struggling!

We all struggle sometimes! You get to a point and you aren’t sure what to do next or you have a big decision to make and you don’t know which way to go. Sometimes when you are too close to a situation you can’t see all the options! Accountability partners can offer a second set of eyes to look at something and see it from another point of view. They can see from the outside what you might be missing!

3. Someone to celebrate with!

When you reach your goal it’s time to celebrate and who better to celebrate with then someone that has watched your progress to that goal!! It’s so exciting to share your news with others! So whether it’s a phone call or a text for a quick YAY together (and someone else to tell you you've done a great job) or it’s getting together for dinner and a drink, celebrations are an important part of your success!

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